About Us
FoodPrint staff have several years of combined experience in the areas of conducting Scientific field trials, Product positioning, Training and audit of Organic, Halal, and Sustainable farming certification process, Regulatory and Patent related matters, etc. in the Agribusiness domain.
We help build farmer/stakeholder competence in sustainable farm practices including product stewardship, safety health and environment etc. FoodPrint facilitates in the conduct and coordination of GLP/GAP compliant field trials in various field crops and tea etc.
FoodPrint team has extensive experience of working in various field crops across various geographies in India and overseas.
FoodPrint works with a group of highly skilled professional affiliates, as per need, to complement, our clients' scope of work related to any geography or special need.
FoodPrint has extensive network of contacts in the Food and Agriculture sectors at the Government level and Private Industry in India.
FoodPrint Latest Events
Threats to Pollinators – Children Competition @ Society
Concept and drawing competition was organised on republic day in 2019
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